Your Source for Genealogy, Family History, and History Books
An economical way to publish your family history, newsletters, quarterlies, magazines, pamphlets, forms, manuscripts, etc., Closson Press has been printing history, family history, and genealogy books since 1976.
losson Press is always seeking previously unpublished records and research aids for Pennsylvania and neighboring states, European records, or general research material. If you have genealogical or historical information and are considering a project of this nature, please mail (or e-mail) a description of your material and a sample page or two of the format for evaluation and/or consideration.
We do not publish family genealogies, but we DO print and help advertise the books we print for you on this web site FREE of charge. Books printed for you are set apart by a window on your product page: PRINTING FOR YOU....BY YOU. Order information is provided so that all orders will go directly to you. A brief insert describing your book will also be included in our annual supplement which is distributed by direct mail to over 10,000 libraries, societies and genealogists in the year you have your book printed.
Keywords: Publisher, Publishing, Printing and Publishing, Printing, genealogical, historical information,
African American Research, European Research, Family Histories, PA Births, PA Cemetery Records, PA Church Records, PA County Histories, PA County Inventories, PA Court Records,
PA Land Records, PA Marriages, PA Newspapers, PA Research, Wars, Military,